This page, like all pages on the site, is an extreme WIP. I will post pages as I find them, or as I remember about them.


Everything - A file search program. Have you ever tried finding something via Windows default file search? I bet it took fucking forever and it didn't even find it. Everything doesn't do this to you. Invaluable.

Everything Is Going to Be Okay - A "desktop labyrinth of vignettes, poetry, strange fever dream games, and broken digital spaces." Strange and interesting.

GPlates - Have you ever wanted to use a clunky program designed for academics to try simulating plate tectonics? No? Well, now you can! There are Youtube tutorials.

WizTree - A disk analyzer, meaning it digs through your entire computer and then gives you a nice visualization of what your hard drives look likeā€”is there one videogame you downloaded once that's currently taking up 40% of your C drive? WizTree will tell you. Really helpful for cleaning out your drives.


Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute - Archive of aesthetics. What the hell does "Pomo Faux Ruins" mean? Look it up and see.

Marginalia - Search engine with a focus on academia and the indie web. I like the "Random" feature.

Radiooooo - Musical time travel; Plays you random songs from a specific country and decade. Disappointingly, it doesn't include every combination. For example, it currently excludes the entirety of central America from the 1990s. Still can be interesting.

Sporistics - Trawl through the Sporepedia (the player creation database for the 2008 game Spore) quickly and easily. Includes features the official Sporepedia website lacks, like the 'Analysis' feature telling you exactly what parts were used. Sick

The Egg and the Rock - An interesting science blog run by the guy who did the Minecraft end poem. Weird stuff about universes in here.